The Wright Company Blog

Amanda's musings on entrepreneurship, money mindset, and being a woman in management consulting.

This decision isn't permanent

If you're reading this blog, it's likely because you're interested in (someday) going independent and starting your own consulting business. 


The decision to leave the security of your job to pursue entrepreneurship is definitely not an easy one to make for many people. You may have fears about sales, replacing your income, loneliness, or planning your own retirement. You might be making lists of pros/cons, talking it over endlessly with partners and family, and going back & forth with yourself about whether or not you're ready.


I thought I'd offer you a piece of advice that I originally shared with a good friend who was weighing various career options and trying to make a decision about whether to leave government to pursue consulting, which was...


"This decision isn't permanent".


Essentially, I was asking him to consider that this wasn't the last time he would be evaluating and reconsidering his career path. He would very likely have the...

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